Monday, December 15, 2008

My Sassy Girl

I was playing with M on our LoveSac and when I got up to leave and start dinner, my wedding ring scratched her leg. "oh, M, I'm so sorry! Did my ring scratch your leg? I'm very sorry!" She looked a little hurt, but she didn't cry, so I assumed all was well.

So I'm making dinner in the kitchen, when I feel something rub on my leg. I look down to see my daughter digging her fist into my leg. "Oh, I'm sorry, did my ring hurt your leg?" Sure enough, she had found her little princess ring and was TRYING to scratch my leg. Trying not to laugh, I told her that no, it didn't hurt, so don't worry about it. So she tries again to dig her ring into my leg. "Oh, I'm sorry, did my ring hurt your leg?" What a little punk!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

hee hee. Love that sassy girl!