Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Years Thoughts

I know that January is now almost over, but I have been thinking about what kind of goals I would like to have for the coming year.  And they say if you don't write down your goals, then they are just wishes.  Which is true; I'm trying to remember what resolutions I had last year, and the only one I can remember is to write in my blog every week (and I only remember that because I blogged about it.  ;)  Which on a side note, I was not perfect in my goal last year, obviously; but I did get much better at it than I had been in the past.  I'll count that as a successful failure in that respect then.)  So you can ignore this post if you want, it's mostly for my own benefit.  Although it'll be nice to know I'll have some accountability for my resolutions at the end of the year, since I'll not only remember them, but everyone has read them too. 

Obviously the most pressing roles I have now are those of a wife and a mother.  Being 7 months pregnant, and starting to struggle a little more with getting off the floor and hauling this big belly around, I've been thinking more and more about how things will change around here with a new baby in the mix.  3 kids is a big change I understand: They will now out number us, in the parent/child ratio.  And Banana Girl is 6 months younger than Princess M was when she was born.  I don't remember having any jealousy issues or resentment of the baby with Princess M, but I'm a little worried about how Banana Girl is going to take the change.  She's still very clingy and even gets jealous of the attention we give Princess M.  So I guess one of my new years resolutions is to spend some one on one time with each of our children each week, to help them know how much I love each one of them individually. 

Resolution 1: Mommy/daughter date night each Wednesday with one of my girls, and one on one time with the other 2 sometime during the week.

We started doing our Family Home Evenings more regularly last year (Frankly we were terrible at it until we told Princess M that allowances would only be handed out after FHE each week.  Now we have a little girl who is great about reminding us to have FHE.)  Anyway, I'd like to perfect that and not miss a single week this year.  So far we're right on track.  I also want to add a little more planning/family counsel to the beginning of FHE and more time at the end for a significant activity each week that the kids could look forward to (rather just a board game and then go to bed.)

Resolution 2: Family Home Evening every Monday night; starting early enough for a significant, fun, activity and including family planning/counsel at the beginning. 

As a wife, I know that Alex is wanting to be healthier with his new years resolutions.  I have 2 nights a week to cook dinners (Alex has 2, Princess M has 1, then we have date night & leftover night) and although I know I can't commit to always cooking healthy (why are the best tasting foods also so not good for us?)  I do want to try to improve the health of our meals as well. 

Resolution 3: Cook one meal each week that would be considered Very Healthy.  (Using my Healthy cookbooks for help if needed.)

Resolution 4: Do my hair and make up everyday.

This is two fold.  One, I've found myself falling into the homely house wife look, now that I don't go to work anymore (sometimes staying in my jammies all day), and I know Alex appreciates it when I make an effort in the morning.  I want him to enjoy seeing me when he comes home.  And two, I just feel more put together and ready for the day when I take the time to spruce up in the morning. 

On a personal note, I have a few things I'm working on.  Alex bought me a guitar for Christmas (isn't he great?) so I'd like to learn how to play this year; at least a start.  I want to get to the temple more; and I've started making some progress on my scrapbooking again (now that I've figured out how to do the digital scraping.)

Resolution 5: Learn to play 10 songs by the end of the year really well (including at least 2 lullabies).

Resolution 6: Visit the Temple every month.

Resolution 7: Finish scrapbooking 2007, 2008, and 2009 and get them printed into books.

Well, that's probably enough resolutions for one post.  As for my blog, I still want to keep writing once a week like I resolved on last year, however, I want to start including more journal posts centered on my thoughts, rather than just a summary of each weeks events.  Not that I want to skip the events; this is the only journal I have now, and will be the basis for future scrapbooks, I just want more of my thoughts and feelings and convictions included for future generations to get to know me better; like a journal. 

I guess that makes Resolution 8.


Sarah said...

Way to go! I haven't done any resolutions in years, but I love hearing about what others challenge themselves with. GOOD LUCK!

Sarah said...

Way to go! I haven't done any resolutions in years, but I love hearing about what others challenge themselves with. GOOD LUCK!

Sarah said...

Ooops. Sorry about the double comment. I was fighting with google.