Friday, April 11, 2014

To Hell (Michigan) and Back.

My brother's family decided to visit Hell, Michigan, for spring break this year; which meant staying a few days at my sister's home in Detroit.  We decided to drive out there for the week to go along for the ride, and to have a mini-reunion.  The drive was long, and I had to do it alone (Alex couldn't leave class for a week) and sick on the way back, but it was a great trip and it was soooo good to see my brother and sister and their families!

Actually, it was a pretty cold day in Hell.  Apparently it freezes over quite frequently, contrary to popular belief.

Look, they got Tombstone on this sign.  That's nearly home for us!

I don't know how my kids got the phone camera on double picture inset mode, but the shot of Baby X was too cute, even with the mom and sister giggling in the inset.  (He's crawling like a champ now!  Go Baby!!)

Most of the week was spent hanging out at home, jumping on the trampoline (and coloring on it as well), watching Frozen over and over, a day trip to the GM tower building, sharing a flu bug, and just having a great time.  Thanks for hosting Jared and Maryle!!!

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