Sunday, February 20, 2011

At the Fair

A small fair came to town this week, and since we still had Christmas money from Great Grandma under strict injunction to only use for family fun, we decided to take the girls to the way overpriced, money burning, fair.

There was only one little train ride that Banana Girl was big enough to go on.  So I rode with the girls to the chorus of "Chugga, chugga, choo, choo"  the whole way.  She really liked it.

The Alex took Princess M on the Farris wheel, which she has been dying to ride ever since she saw "Charlotte's Web" and the heroine rode a Farris wheel at a fair.  By the way, that's the same reason she insisted on wearing a dress to the fair as well.  So with her ride on the Farris wheel in a dress, her fair experience was complete. 

Banana Girl got to ride down the giant slide with her daddy too, but the picture didn't turn out for that one. 
Overall, we had a fun time and stayed within budget.  (whohoo!!)

On Saturday we had a getting to know you BBQ with three families that I met recently and we wanted to get to know better.  We're all kinda in the same phase of life as each other and all have kids the same ages (who got along very well together, it seemed.)  It was a great success, and we hope to see lots more of those wonderful families. 

We've also been beginning to look at homes to buy, here in the Sierra Vista area.  We've got our eye on one right now, but need to get some ducks in a row before we can move forward on it.  We'll keep you updated.  Overall, It's been a fun and busy week. 

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