Sunday, June 21, 2009

Renaissance Festival

I'm finally getting around to posting some pics from the Renaissance Festival that we went to two weekends ago with our good friends. It was opening weekend, which means 2 for 1; always a welcome time. We had a lot more fun this year now that M is 3 and obsessed with everything Princess. Of course last year I was very pregnant too, which curtailed the fun a bit. Unfortunately several of the pics are pretty blurry, apparently a tiny bit of the sunblock made it onto the lens. Bummer.

It was a truly magical time for our very own Princess. She dressed up as a blue fairy (Mom & A were peasants, and Dad wore a jester hat) and was surrounded all day by Kings & Queens, Princesses & Princes, Knights & Dragons, Fairies & Jesters. She watched acrobats on stilts, men breathing fire, dogs that jumped through hoops, and a parade with a real, live, (stinky) elephant. There was a petting zoo, and free butterfly merry-go-round. We picnicked on the grass, shared funnel cakes, and she got to share the whole thing with one of her best friend princesses. Tinkerbell (her favorite actor by far) gave her another magical fairy stone. The Queen let her pick a bracelet out of her treasure chest, and some scary looking vikings gave her a necklace. (Now we wouldn't normally condone her taking presents from scary looking men, but we allowed it this one time.) It was a blast to experience it all through her eyes.

Princess A was carried the entire day by either Mom or Dad, so she was happy as a clam. Both were exhausted by the end and the heavy rain didn't start until we were driving away in our car. (Although most of the day was delightfully overcast, removing the heat, but not quite chilly.) It was nearly perfect!

Now if we could just get rid of all the dirty jokes in the shows... M doesn't understand any of them yet, but I'm sure she will before we'd like her to. There will come a time when we just can't go anymore. Too bad.

Sometimes it's just so True

I saw this clip on the blog of a friend of mine, and was laughing out loud. (Thanks Heather!) Thought I'd share it here too, since I don't imagine we have many of the same followers.
Click Here to Watch

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I told her to go brush her teeth...

Apparently she felt the need to shave, "just like Daddy!"

Here's another doosie from a couple days ago, when it was too quiet in the house.